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- Arctic-alpine tundra
- Bily Kriz
- Certoryje - Vojsicke Louky
- Post-mining lakes
- Mountain catchment
- South-Moravian floodplain forests
- Lednice - Horní les
- Trebon wet meadows
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- Lysina & Pluhuv Bor catchments
- Uhlířská catchment
- Zofin natural forests
- Beskydy natural forests
- Rajec - Nemcice
- Elbe River
- Rimov reservoir
- Slapy reservoir
- Sokolov post-mining ecosystems
- Thermophilous woods
- Wanang, Papua New Guinea
- Czech National Committee
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Publications (international journals or monographs)
PROCHÁZKOVÁ L., REIMAS D., SUZUKI H., KOCIÁNOVÁ M., NEDBALOVÁ L. (2023): Chloromonas rubrosalmonea sp. nov. (Chlorophyta) causes blooms of salmon-red snow due to high astaxanthin and low chlorophyll content. Botany Letters, 2024, 1-19. [Available online ].
LEHEJČEK J., TRKAL F., DOLEŽAL J., ČADA V. (2023): Alpine and Arctic tundra shrub populations show similar ontogenetic growth trends but differing absolute growth rates and lifespan. Dendrochronologia, 77, 126046. [Available online ].
KUPKOVÁ L., ČERVENÁ L., POTŮČKOVÁ M., LYSÁK J., ROUBALOVÁ M., HRÁZSKÝ Z., BŘEZINA S., EPSTEIN H. E., MÜLLEROVÁ J. (2023): Towards reliable monitoring of grass species in nature conservation: Evaluation of the potential of UAV and PlanetScope multi-temporal data in the Central European tundra. Remote Sensing of Environment, 294, 113645. [Available online ].
UXA T., KŘÍŽEK M., DLABÁČOVÁ T., KRAUSE D. (2023): Geometry of last glacial sorted nets from high-resolution airborne data. Geomorphology, 426, 108615. [Available online ].
SOUČKOVÁ M., JURAS R., DYTRT K., MORAVEC V., BLÖCHER J. R., HANEL M. (2022): What weather variables are important for wet and slab avalanches under a changing climate in a low-altitude mountain range in Czechia? Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(10), 3501-3525. [Available online ].
TUMAJER J., KAŠPAR J., KUŽELOVÁ H., SHISHOV V. V., TYCHKOV I. I., POPKOVA M. I., VAGANOV E. A., TREML V. (2021): Forward modelling reveals multidecadal trends in cambial kinetics and phenology at treeline. Frontiers in Plat Science, 12, 613643. [Available online ].
POTŮČKOVÁ M., KUPKOVÁ L., ČERVENÁ L., LYSÁK J., KRAUSE D., HRÁZSKÝ Z., BŘEZINA S., MÜLLEROVÁ J. (2021): Towards resolving conservation issues through historical aerial imaginery: vegetation cover changes in the Central European tundra. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30, 3433-3455. [Available online ].
KONVIČKA M., KURAS T., LIPAROVA J., SLEZÁK V., HORÁZNÁ D., KLEČKA J., KLECKOVA I. (2021): Low winter precipitation, but not warm autumns and springs, threatens mountain butterflies in middle-high mountains. PeerJ, 9:e12021. [Available online ].
KUŽELOVÁ H., TREML V. (2020): Landscape‑scale variability of air and soil temperature related to tree growth in the treeline ecotone. Alpine Botany, 130, 75-87. [Available online ].
ENGEL Z., KŘÍŽEK M., BRAUCHER R., UXA T., KRAUSE D., ASTERTEAM (2020): 10Be exposure age for sorted polygons in the Sudetes Mountains. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 32/1, 154-168. [Available online ].
Křížek M., Krause D., Uxa T., Engel Z., Treml V., Traczyk A. (2019): Patterned ground above the alpine timberline in the High Sudetes, Central Europe. Journal of Maps, 15:2, 563-569.
Gabrlik P., Janata P., Zalud L., Harcarik J. (2019): Towards Automatic UAS-Based Snow-Field Monitoring for Microclimate Research. Sensors 2019, 19: 1945.
Blahut J., Klimeš J., Balek J., Hájek P., Červená L., Lysák J. (2017): Snow avalanche hazard of the Krkonoše National Park, Czech Republic. Journal of Maps, 13:2, 86-90.
Kupková L., Červená L., Suchá R., Jakešová L., Zagajewski B., Březina S., Albrechtová J. (2017): Classification of Tundra Vegetation in theKrkonoše Mts. National Park Using APEX, AISA Dual and Sentinel-2A Data. European Journal ofRemote Sensing, 50:1, 29-46.
Margold M., Treml V., Petr L., Nyplová P. (2011): Snowpatch hollows and pronival ramparts in the Krkonoše Mountains, Czech Republic: Distribution, morphology and chronology of formation. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 93: 137–150.
Halada J., Kocourková J., Březina S., Šťastná P., Ševců A. (2010): Lichens of the alpine belt in the Krkonoše Mts (floristical survey and vegetation monitoring within the scope of an international project GLORIA). Opera Corcontica 47: 165–185.
Materna J., Vaněk J., Kůrka A., Vonička P. (2010): Epigeic spiders (Araneae), harvestmen (Opiliones) and ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of selected plant communities of the tundra in Krkonoše and Scandinavia. Opera Corcontica 47: 187–210.
Treml V., Křížek M., Engel Z. (2010): Classification of patterned ground based on morphology and site characteristics: a case study from the High Sudetes, Central Europe. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 21: 67–77. doi:10.1002/ppp.671
Hejcman M., Češková M., Pavlů V. (2010): Control of Molinia caerulea by cutting management on sub-alpine Grassland. Flora 205: 577–582.
Hejcman M., Češková M., Hejcmanová P., Pavlů V., Jones M. (2010): Expansion of Calamagrostis villosa in sub-alpine Nardus stricta grassland: Cessation of cutting management or high nitrogen deposition? Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 129: 91–96.
Hejcman M., Dvořák I., Kociánová M., Pavlů V., Nežerková P., Vítek O., Rauch O., Jeník J. (2006): Snow depth and vegetation pattern in a late-melting snowbed analyzed by GPS and GIS in the Giant Mountains, Czech Republic. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 38: 90–98.
Uhlíková J. (2005): The common vole, Microtus arvalis (Mammalia: Rodentia) in subalpine and alpine habitats of the Krkonoše Mts. (Czech Republic). Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 68: 281–286.
Krahulec F., al. (2004): The Sudetic group of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella from the Krkonoše Mts: a synthetic view. Preslia 76: 223–243.
Svobodová H. (2002): Preliminary results of the vegetation history in the Giant Mountains (Úpská rašelina mire and Černohorská rašelina bog). Opera Corcontica 39: 5–15.
Kociánová M., Štursová H., Spusta V. (2002): A new snow ablation form – avalanche mushroom. Opera Corcontica 39: 175–180.
Jankovská V. (2002): Vegetation development in the western part of the Giant Mts. during the holocene (Pančavské rašeliniště mire – palaeoecological research). Opera Corcontica 38: 11–19.
Spusta V., Kociánová M. (1998): Avalanche cadastre in the Czech part of the Krkonoše Mts. (Giant Mts.) during winter seasons 1961/62–1997/98. Opera Corcontica 35: 3–205.
Jeník J. (1997): Anemo-orographic systems in the Hercynian Mts. and their effects on biodiversity. Acta Univ. Wratislaviensis 1950. Prace Inst. Geograficznego, Ser. C, Meteorologia i Klimatologia 4: 9–21.
Chrtek J. jun. (1997): Taxonomy of the Hieracium alpinum group in the Sudeten Mts., the West and the Ukrainian East Carpathians. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 32: 69–97.
Soukupová L., Kociánová M., Jeník J., Sekyra J. (eds.) (1995): Arctic-alpine tundra in the Krkonoše, the Sudetes. Opera Corcontica 32: 5–88.
Boháč J., Fuchs R. (1995): The effect of air pollution and forest decline on epigeic staphylinid communities in the Giant Mountains. Acta Zool. Fennica 196: 311–313.
Růžička V., Zacharda M. (1994): Arthropods of stony debris in the Krkonoše Mountains, Czech Republic. Arctic and Alpine Research 26: 332–338.
Jeník J., Soukupová L. (1992): Microtopography of subalpine mires in the Krkonoše Mountains, the Sudetes. Preslia 64: 313–326.
Fellner R., Landa J. (1991): Arctic and alpine fungi in Czechoslovakia. Čes. Mykol. 45: 35.
Flousek J. (1988): Bird and mammal communities of the subarctic peatbog in the Krkonoše Mts. (Czechoslovakia). Věst. Čs. Společ. Zool. 52: 7–21.
Hadač E., Váňa J. (1967): Plant communities of mires in the western part of the Krkonoše Mountains, Czechoslovakia. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 2: 213–254.
Jeník J. (1961): Alpinská vegetace Krkonoš, Králického Sněžníku a Hrubého Jeseníku. Nakl. ČSAV Praha: 412 pp.