
Effects of rewilding in forests and agricultural lands on carbon sequestration and diversity (2024-2027; HORIZON (WILDCARD) – RIA 101081177)

Role disturbančního režimu pro hydrologii a biokomplexitu lesů Šumavy (2024-2026; Smlouva NP Šumava / Národní plán obnovy - Podpora obnovy přirozených funkcí krajiny, podprogram: 115V3420)

Biological research and monitoring at landscape level of Czechia. Assuring expert support for environment department activities. Chapter F - Developmental dynamics and biodiversity changes of natrual forests (2023–2027; Ministry of the Environment - 170368 cont.)

Center for Landscape and Biodiversity (DivLand). Program: SS – Program aplikovaného výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací v oblasti životního prostředí – Prostředí pro život. Subprogram: Podprogram 3 – Dlouhodobé environmentální a klimatické perspektivy, WG B. Forest Ecosystems (2021-2026; TA CR PPŽ3-SS02030018)

Tree-ring database as a tool for description and prediction of responses of the main forest tree species to climate change (2021-2024; TA CR PPŽ1-SS0310134)

Herwart III. - Extreme disturbance role within natural forests dynamics at Boubin National Nature Reserve (2021-2023; Šumava National Park Administration)

Herwart II. - Extreme disturbance role within natural forests dynamics at Boubin National Nature Reserve (2020-2021; Šumava National Park Administration)

The mystery of biogenic soil creep: the biogeomorphic role of trees in temperate and tropical forests and its ecological consequences (2019-2021; CSF P504/19-09427S)

Biological research and monitoring at landscape level of Czechia. Assuring expert support for environment department activities. Chapter F - Developmental dynamics and biodiversity changes of natrual forests (2018–2022; Ministry of the Environment - 170368)

Herwart I. - Extreme disturbance role within natural forests dynamics at Boubin National Nature Reserve (2018-2020; Šumava National Park Administration)

Ecosystem engineering and soil complexity in old-growth temperate forests (2016–2018; CSF P504/16-15319S)

Complex analysis of biological value of near-natural forest stands in the Protected Landscape Area Bohemian Forest and the proposal of it multifunctional silvicultural approach (2016-2018; Grant Agency of the Forests of the Czech Republic 6 / 2016)

Mixed severity disturbances as drivers of structural variability, carbon dynamics, and biodiversity at stand and landscape levels in spruce forests (2015-2017; CSF P504/15-14840S)

Monitoring of natural forests of the Czech Republic (2015–2016; Norway Grants EHP-CZ02-OV-1-021-2014)

Deadwood decomposition dynamics in natural temperate forests (2013–2017; CSF P504/13-27454S)

Spatio-temporal pattern of bark beetle spreadig in the natural temperate forest after distrurbance (2012–2015; NAZV K3.1.3.)

Mixed temperate forests dynamics – integration and objectification of conceptual models (2012–2015; AMVIS/KONTAKT II – LH12038)

Empirical inferences about the growth responses of Central European temperate forest trees to disturbance events (2012–2014; CSF P504/12/P900)

Tree spatial pattern dynamics in near-natural temperate forests (2011–2014; CSF P504/11/2031)

Natural disturbance regimes of mountain Norway spruce forests: the basis of ecological forest management (2010–2014; CSF P504/10/1644)

Protected forest areas in Europe – Analysis and Harmonisation (PROFOR) (2002–2006; COST E-27)

Forest Reserve Research Network (1997–2000; COST E-4)