
LTSER Silva Gabreta

Görner T., Čihař M. (2012): Indicator system of Czech national parks and biosphere reserves: Some developing trends in the Šumava. Silva Gabreta 18: 49–58.

Novotná M., Kopp J. (2010): Migrační trendy v regionu Šumava po roce 1990. Silva Gabreta 16: 187–206.

Kušová D., Těšitel J., Bartoš M. (2008): Biosphere reserves – learning sites of sustainable development? Silva Gabreta 14: 221–234.

Eremiášová R., Havlíček M., Mackovčin P. (2007): Quantitative analysis of landscape development and mapping of drainage network based on historical maps: case study of the surroundings of the Kašperské Hory town (Czech Republic). Silva Gabreta 13: 285–299.

Lacina D., Demek J., Mackovčin P., Havlíček M. (2007): Land use changes in the town of Železná Ruda and its surroundings (Czech Republic) based on the analysis of historical maps from the period 1843–2005. Silva Gabreta 13: 269–283

Kušová D., Těšitel J., Matějka K., Bartoš M. (2006): Socio-economic conditions in selected biosphere reserves. Silva Gabreta 12: 157–169.

Kušová D., Těšitel J., Bartoš M. (2005): The media image of the relationship between nature protection and socio-economic development in selected Protected Landscape Areas. Silva Gabreta 11: 123–134.

Kušová D., Těšitel J., Bartoš M. (2003): Gatekeepers role in the development of tourism (Bohemian Forest case). Silva Gabreta 9: 217–224.

Kušová D., Těšitel J., Bartoš M. (2002): Role of traditions in tourism development in the Czech part of the Bohemian Forest. Silva Gabreta 8: 265–274.

Čihař M., Třebický V., Novák J. (2001): Selected indicators of sustainable tourism in the central part of the Šumava National Park and Biosphere Reserve. Silva Gabreta 6: 295–304.

Kušová D., Těšitel J., Bartoš M. (2001): The winter season visitors to the Bohemian Forest – their views on recreation possibilities and qualities within the region. Silva Gabreta 6: 287–294

Čihař M., Tancošová Z., Třebický V. (2000): Národní park Šumava a vybrané aspekty jeho udržitelného rozvoje – hodnocení místními obyvateli (obce Borová Lada, Horská Kvilda, Kvilda, Modrava, Filipova Huť, Srní a Prášily). Silva Gabreta 5: 195–216.

Prach K., Bufková I., Zemek F., Heřman M., Mašková Z. (2000): Grassland vegetation in the former military area Dobrá Voda, the Šumava National Park. Silva Gabreta 5: 103–112.

Čihař M., Třebický V., Tancošová Z. (1999): Udržitelný turismus a jeho monitoring v jádrové zóně Národního parku a biosférické rezervaci Šumava. Silva Gabreta 3: 229–242

Kušová D., Bartoš M., Těšitel J. (1999): Potential development of the right shore of Lipno Lake area – comparison of landscape and urban planning documentation with ideas of local inhabitants. Silva Gabreta 3: 217–228.

Zemek F., Heřman M. (1998): Landscape pattern changes in the Šumava Region – a GIS approach. Silva Gabreta 2: 395–410.

Bartoš M., Kušová D., Těšitel J. (1998): Integrated endogenous regional development concept and the role of Šumava National Park. Silva Gabreta 2: 385–394.

Zemek F., Heřman M. (1996): Remote sensing and GIS in the Šumava region research and management. Silva Gabreta 1: 281–284.

Čihař M. (1996): Rekreačně-turistická exploatace centrální části Národního parku Šumava. Silva Gabreta 1: 271–280.

Novotná M. (1996): Hodnocení zemědělského využívání krajiny v regionu Pošumaví. Silva Gabreta 1: 257–270.