Identifying factors that affect mountain lake sensitivity to atmospheric nitrogen deposition across multiple scales


BURPEE B.J., SAROS J., NANUS L., BARON J., BRAHNEY J., CHRISTIANSON K.R., GANZ T., HEARD A., HUNDEY B., KOINIG K., KOPÁČEK J., MOSER K., NYDICK K., OLEKSY I., SADRO S., SOMMARUGA R., VINEBROOKE R., WILLIAMS J. 2022. Identifying factors that affect mountain lake sensitivity to atmospheric nitrogen deposition across multiple scales. Water Research 209: 1178883. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117883

Long-term changes in soil composition in unmanaged central European mountain spruce forests after decreased acidic deposition and a bark beetle outbreak


KOPÁČEK J., ČAPEK P., CHOMA M., CUDLÍN P., KAŇA J., KOPÁČEK M., PORCAL P., ŠANTRŮČKOVÁ H., TAHOVSKÁ K., TUREK J. 2023. Long-term changes in soil composition in unmanaged central European mountain spruce forests after decreased acidic deposition and a bark beetle outbreak. Catena 222: 106839. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106839