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- Odkazy
Čížková P., Hubený P., Svoboda M. (2017): Současné rozšíření smrku ztepilého a buku lesního v Národním parku Šumava v území ponechaném samovolnému vývoji: dochází ke změně druhové skladby ve prospěch buku lesního? Zprávy lesnického výzkumu, 62(4), 213-222.
Macek M., Wild J., Kopecký M., Červenka J., Svoboda M., Zenáhlíková J., Bruna J., Mosandl R., Fischer A. (2017): Life and death of Picea abies after bark-beetle outbreak: ecological processes driving seedling recruitment. Ecological applications, 27(1), 156-167.
Červenka J., Bače R., Zenáhlíková J., Svoboda M. (2016): Změny porostní struktury, množství a kvality mrtvého dřeva v horské smrčině po velkoplošné disturbanci. Zprávy lesnického výzkumu, 61, 4.
Bače R., Svoboda M., Janda P., Morrissey R. C., Wild J., Clear J. L., Čada V., Donato D. C. (2015): Legacy of pre-disturbance spatial pattern determines early structural diversity following severe disturbance in montane spruce forests. PloS one, 10(9), e0139214.
Zenáhlíková J., Červenka J., Čížková P., Bečka P., Starý M., Marek P., Křenová Z., Svoboda M. (2015): The biomonitoring project–monitoring of forest ecosystems in non-intervention areas of the Šumava National Park. Silva Gabreta Vimperk, 21, 95-104.
Zeppenfeld T., Svoboda M., DeRose R. J., Heurich M., Müller J., Čížková P., Starý M., Donato D.C. (2015): Response of mountain Picea abies forests to stand-replacing bark beetle outbreaks: neighbourhood effects lead to self-replacement. Journal of applied ecology, 52(5), 1402-1411.
Červenka J., Bače R., Svoboda M. (2014): Stand-replacing disturbance does not directly alter the succession of Norway spruce regeneration on dead wood. Journal of Forest Science, 60(10), 417-424.
Wild J., Kopecký M., Svoboda M., Zenáhlíková J., Edwards-Jonášová M., Herben T. (2014): Spatial patterns with memory: tree regeneration after stand-replacing disturbance in Picea abies mountain forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 25: 1327–1340. doi: 10.1111/jvs.12189
Janda P., Svoboda M., Bače R., Čada V., Peck J.E. (2014): Three hundred years of spatio-temporal development in a primary mountain Norway spruce stand in the Bohemian Forest, central Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 330: 304–311.
Čada V., Svoboda M., Janda P. (2013): Dendrochronological reconstruction of the disturbance history and past development of the mountain Norway spruce in the Bohemian Forest, central Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 295: 59–68.
Bruna J., Wild J., Svoboda M, Heurich M., Müllerová J. (2013): Impacts and underlying factors of landscape-scale, historical disturbance of mountain forest identified using archival documents. Forest Ecology and Management 305: 294–306.
Svoboda M., Janda P., Nagel T. A., Fraver S., Rejzek J., Bače R. (2012): Disturbance history of an old-growth sub-alpine Picea abies stand in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic. Journal of Vegetation Science 23: 86–97.
Bässler C., Müller J., Svoboda M., Lepšová A., Hahn C., Holzer H., Pouska V. (2012): Diversity of wood-decaying fungi under different disturbance regimes—a case study from spruce mountain forests. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 33–49.
Bače R., Svoboda M., Pouska V., Janda P., Červenka J. (2012): Natural regeneration in Central-European subalpine spruce forests: Which logs are suitable for seedling recruitment? Forest Ecology and Management 266: 254–262.
Pouska V., Lepš J., Svoboda M., Lepšová A. (2011): How do log characteristics in?uence the occurrence of wood fungi in a mountain spruce forest? Fungal Ecology 4: 201–209. doi:10.1016/j.funeco.2010.11.004
Čížková P., Svoboda M., Křenová. Z. (2011): Natural regeneration of acidophilous spruce mountain forests in non-intervention management areas of the Šumava National Park – the first results of the Biomonitoring project. Silva Gabreta 17: 19–35.
Svoboda M., Fraver S., Janda P., Bače R., Zenáhlíková J. (2010): Natural development and regeneration of a Central European montane spruce forest. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 707–714.
Svoboda M., Pouska V. (2008): Structure of a Central-European mountain spruce old-growth forest with respect to historical development. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 2177–2188.
Jonášová M, Prach K. (2004): Central-European mountain spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests: regeneration of tree species after a bark beetle outbreak. Ecological Engineering 23: 15–27.