
Řeka Labe

GRABICOVÁ K., VOJS STAŇOVÁ A., ŠVECOVÁ H., NOVÁKOVÁ P., KODEŠ V., LEONTOVYČOVÁ D., BROOKS B.W., GRABIC R. (2022): Invertebrates differentially bioaccumulate pharmaceuticals: Implications for routine biomonitoring. Environmental Pollution 309: 119715.

Šauer P., Švecová H., Grabicová K., Aydın F.G., Mackuľak T., Kodeš V., Blytt L.D., Henninge L.B., Grabic R., Kroupová H.K. (2021): Bisphenols emerging in Norwegian and Czech aquatic environments show transthyretin binding potency and other less-studied endocrine-disrupting activities. Science of the Total Environment 751: 141801.

Grabicová K., Grabic R., Fedorova G., Kolářová J., Turek J., Brooks B.W., Randák, T. (2020): Psychoactive pharmaceuticals in aquatic systems: A comparative assessment of environmental monitoring approaches for water and fish. Environmental pollution 261: 114150.

Tumová J., Šauer P., Golovko O., Ucun O.K., Grabic R., Máchová J., Kroupová H.K. (2019): Effect of polycyclic musk compounds on aquatic organisms: A critical literature review supplemented by own data. Science of the Total Environment 651: 2235-2246.

Burkina V., Zamaratskaia G., Sakalli S., Pham T.G., Kodeš V., Grabic R., Velíšek J., Turek J., Kolářová J., Žlábek V., Randák T. (2018): Complex effects of pollution on fish in major rivers in the Czech Republic. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 164: 92-99.

Tumova J., Grabicova K., Golovko O., Koba O., Kodes V., Fedorova G., Grabic R., Kroupova H.K. (2017): Comparison of passive sampling and biota for monitoring of tonalide in aquatic environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24: 22251-22257.

Petrusek A., Pešek P., Leština D., Martin P., Fischer D., Kozák P., Vlach P. (2017): Mitochondrial DNA provides evidence of a double origin for the stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium in the Elbe basin. Limnologica 62: 77-83.

Cerveny D., Grabic R., Fedorova G., Grabicova K., Turek J., Kodes V., Golovko O., Zlabek V., Randak, T. (2016): Perfluoroalkyl substances in aquatic environment-comparison of fish and passive sampling approaches. Environmental research 144, 92-98.

Cerveny D., Turek J., Grabic R., Golovko O., Koba O., Fedorova G., Grabicova K., Zlabek V., Randak T. (2016): Young-of-the-year fish as a prospective bioindicator for aquatic environmental contamination monitoring. Water Research 103: 334-342.

Horká P., Horký P., Randák T., Turek J., Rylková K., Slavík O. (2015): Radio-telemetry shows differences in the behaviour of wild and hatchery-reared European grayling Thymallus thymallus in response to environmental variables. Journal of Fish Biology 86: 544-557.

Buřič M., Bláha M., Kouba A., Drozd B. (2015): Upstream expansion of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) - first record in the upper reaches of the Elbe river. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 416.

Fedorova G., Randak T., Golovko O., Kodes V., Grabicova K., Grabic, R. (2014): A passive sampling method for detecting analgesics, psycholeptics, antidepressants and illicit drugs in aquatic environments in the Czech Republic. Science of the Total Environment 487: 681-687.

Červený D., Žlábek V., Velíšek J., Turek J., Grabic R., Grabicová K., Fedorova G., Rosmus J., Lepič, P., Randák T. (2014): Contamination of fish in important fishing grounds of the Czech Republic. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 109: 101-109.

Slavík O., Horký P., Randák T., Balvín P., Bílý M. (2012): Brown Trout Spawning Migration in Fragmented Central European Headwaters: Effect of Isolation by Artificial Obstacles and the Moon Phase. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141: 673-680.

Žlábek V., Randák T., Kolářová J., Svobodová Z., Kroupová H. (2009): Sex Differentiation and Vitellogenin and 11-Ketotestosterone Levels in Chub, Leuciscus cephalus L., Exposed to 17 beta-Estradiol and Testosterone During Early Development. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 82: 280-284.

Žlábek V., Beránková P., Kolářová J., Randák, T., Svobodová Z., Kroupová H. (2009): Induction of vitellogenin and gonadal impairment in chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) after exposure to 17 beta-estradiol and testosterone. Neuroendocrinology Letters 30: 225-229.

Randák T., Žlábek V., Pulkrabová J., Kolářová J., Kroupová H., Široká Z., Velíšek J., Svobodová Z., Hajšlová J. (2009): Effects of pollution on chub in the River Elbe, Czech Republic. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72: 737-746.

Kružíková K., Randák T., Kenšová R., Kroupová H., Leontovyčová D., Svobodová Z. (2008): Mercury and Methylmercury Concentrations in Muscle Tissue of Fish Caught in Major Rivers of the Czech Republic. Acta Veterinaria Brno 77: 637-643.

Horký P., Slavík O., Bartoš L. (2008): A telemetry study on the diurnal distribution and activity of adult pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.), in a riverine environment. Hydrobiologia 614: 151-157.

Havelková M., Svobodová Z., Kolářová J., Krijt J., Némethová D., Jarkovský J., Pospíšil R. (2008): Organic pollutant contamination of the river Tichi Orlice as assessed by biochemical markers. Acta Veterinaria Brno 77: 133-141.

Havelková M., Dušek L., Némethová D., Poleszczuk G., Svobodová Z. (2008): Comparison of mercury distribution between liver and muscle - A biomonitoring of fish from lightly and heavily contaminated localities. Sensors 8: 4095-4109.

Kalous L., Šlechtová Jr, V., Bohlen J., Petrtýl M., Švátora M. (2007): First European record of Carassius langsdorfii from the Elbe basin. Journal of Fish Biology 70: 132-138.

Horký P., Bartoš L. (2007): Docksides as winter habitats of chub and pikeperch in the channelised Elbe River. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 168: 281-287.

Horký P., Slavík O., Bartoš L., Kolářová J., Randák T. (2007): Behavioural pattern in cyprinid fish below a weir as detected by radio telemetry. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23: 679-683.

Havelková M., Randák T., Leontovyčová D., Krijt J., Svobodová Z. (2007): Use of biochemical markers for the assessment of contamination of the River Elbe Tributaries. Toxicology Letters 172: S160-S160.

Havelková M., Randák T., Žlábek V., Krijt J., Kroupová H., Pulkrabová J., Svobodová Z. (2007): Biochemical markers for assessing aquatic contamination. Sensors 7: 2599-2611.

Hajšlová J., Pulkrabová J., Poustka J., Čajka T., Randák T. (2007): Brominated flame retardants and related chlorinated persistent organic 2007 pollutants in fish from river Elbe and its main tributary Vltava. Chemosphere 69: 1195-1203.

Randák T., Žlábek V., Kolářová J., Svobodová Z., Hajšlová J., Široká Z., Jánská M., Pulkrabová J., Čajka T., Jarkovský J. (2006): Biomarkers detected in Chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) to evaluate contamination of the Elbe and Vltava rivers, Czech Republic. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 76: 233-241.

Prchalová M., Vetešník L., Slavík O. (2006): Migrations of juvenile and subadult fish through a fishpass during late summer and fall. Folia Zoologica 55: 162-166.

Petrusek A., Filipová L., Ďuriš Z., Horká I., Kozák P., Policar T., Štambergová M., Kučera, Z. (2006): Distribution of the invasive spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus) in the Czech Republic. Past and present. Bulletin Francais De La Peche Et De La Pisciculture (380-81): 903-917.

Maršálek P., Svobodová Z., Randák T. (2006): Total mercury and methylmercury contamination in fish from various sites along the Elbe river. Acta Veterinaria Brno 75: 579-585.

Horký P., Slavík O., Bartoš L., Kolářová J., Randák T. (2006): The effect of the moon phase and seasonality on the behaviour of pikeperch in the Elbe River. Folia Zoologica 55: 411-417.

Žlábek V., Svobodová Z., Randák T., Valentová O. (2005): Mercury content in the muscle of fish from the Elbe River and its tributaries. Czech Journal of Animal Science 50: 528-534.

Široká Z., Krijt J., Randák T., Svobodová Z., Pešková G., Fuksa J., Hajšlová J., Jarkovský J., Jánská, M. (2005): Organic pollutant contamination of the River Elbe as assessed by biochemical markers. Acta Veterinaria Brno 74: 293-303.

Široká Z., Krijt J., Randák T., Svobodová Z., Pešková G., Weissová D. (2005): Biochemical markers cytochrome P450 and EROD in fish in the monitoring of the Elbe River pollution. Toxicology Letters 158: S256-S257.

Dušek L., Svobodová Z., Janous D., Vykusová B., Jarkovský J., Šmíd R., Pavlis P. (2005): Bioaccumulation of mercury in muscle tissue of fish in the Elbe River (Czech Republic): multispecies monitoring study 1991-1996. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 61: 256-267.

Čelechovská O., Svobodová Z., Randák T. (2005): Arsenic content in tissues of fish from the River Elbe. Acta Veterinaria Brno 74: 419-425.

Randák T., Žlábek V., Kolářová J., Svobodová Z., Hajšlová J., Široká Z. (2004): Contamination assessment of Elbe river and its tributaries by means of biomarker detection and chemical analyses in chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.). Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 197: 188-188.

Kozák P., Policar T., Ďuriš Z. (2004): Migratory ability of Orconectes limosus through a fishpass and notes on its occurrence in the Czech Republic. Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture, 372-373: 367-373.

Vykusová, B., Svobodová, Z., Máchová, J. (1993): Obsah toxických kovů v tkáních ryb odlovených v různých lokalitách řeky Labe. [Toxic metal content in tissues of fish caught at different localities of Elbe River]. In: Mikroelementy '93, VŠCHT, Praha, pp. 12–15. (in Czech).